Play Me...

I can be cracked without breaking. Play me and you might be faking.

What am I ?

A Gambler

What does a gambler call heaven ?

Long Trip

A man went on a long trip and was gone several weeks. When he returned, he was found floating at sea.


I Back You Up

I back you up, but cause you trouble.
I warm your blood,
Yet make it bubble.
Without me you’d get pushed around,
But careful not to cause a frown.
People like when I am present,
For my absence would deem you ‘peasant’.
A perfect balance I do require,
For you to play with others desire.
Do not give me full control,
Or else you’ll find you’ll be alone.
Use me when you need a push,
But keep me hidden in the bush.
A part of you I will always be,
With the id you barely see.

What am I?

Two Men in a Sauna

Two men enter a sauna carrying their favorite drinks in thermoses. One of the men is found stabbed and the other is arrested. However the police can find no trace of the murder weapon.

How did he kill him?

100 Apples

It took 3 of me to eat 3 apples in 3 minutes. What’s the minimum number of me it takes to eat a hundred apples in a hundred minutes?

Race Car

At the height of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR each built a race car and raced against each other. The US car beat the Soviet car. How did the Soviet newspapers report the event so that it seems that the Soviet car did better than the American car?

Removing Cartons

A truck contains many cartons. Paul removes 30 cartons in 4 minutes. If John removes cartons at the same rate, how long would it take him to remove 18 cartons (in minutes and seconds)?

Vowels in Order

What 12-letter word has each of the vowels in alphabetical order without any repeated vowels?

A Sharp Curve

Sharp curve
A truck carrying a muffler, an engine block, and a tire goes around a sharp curve!

What falls?

Puffin Dish

A man has searched far and wide for a restaurant that sells a Puffin as a dish, when he finally finds one, he takes one bite of Puffin meat and immediately breaks down in tears.


What am I ?

Before human history my existence began,
I follow each woman, and I follow each man.
I creep insubstantially over the grass,
And leave no evidence whither I pass.
If you miss me by day, be sure that at night
You’ll see me start up when you flash a torchlight.

What am I ?

Chickens, Pigs and Low Temperatures

What does hay have in common with chickens, pigs, and low temperatures?


Cracking a Shell

When do you crack a shell to see a shell uncracked ?


The Rarest Thing In The World

I want something from the people I know.

It’s the rarest thing in the world, wars are fought over it. People die for it, they spend their lives looking for it. And yet… If you ask for it then it becomes worthless. To have any value it has to be given freely.

What I'm looking for?
